Monday, August 14, 2006


"Oh Dearie" as an old Scotish woman may say. This picture is a famous castle that's located in the centre of Edinburg aka "Edinborough" for the locals. The residents are extremely friendly and helpful. Scotland is well known for its beautiful historic catles. The sound of pipe playing is common as you walk through the gardens and sip your tea at local coffee shops. Don't be surprised of men in kilts if you encounter them at the train station. The Edinburgh Military Tattoo is a large annual event that gathers various dance and military pageantry featuring performers from all across the globe.

Friday, August 11, 2006

English Country Side

The English country side is an amazing site to see when riding the Britain Rail. The rainbow here reminded me of my home in Hawai'i.

When booking your train tickets, be sure to book in the US. GBP can be very expensive when exchange into USD. I booked my four-consecutive days for $168USD at

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


One thing that stood out in this city is the statue cow. The cows come in different colours and gestures. I actually got on one of these and snaped a photo. This art piece was my favourite painting that I put in my college apartment restroom. The rain represents the shower, and the dancing represents part of me.

When you have an opportunity, take the city tour bus (avoid the mac tour) and round devu your entire day for 10 pounds. My favourite restaurant is "Dirty Dick's", not to mention "BadAss", and "Nastiness". Scottish and their humorous dinning names.